NakedNo shirt, Snake will catch a cold
Olive DrabStandard uniform
Tiger StripeUse in grass
LeafUse in forest
Tree BarkUse with back to a tree
SquaresUse in mountain area
BlackUse in the dark
Choco Chip Bolshaya Past South, Graniny Gorki Lab 2F
Splitter Bolshaya Past South
Rain Drop Snake Eater Operation, Dolinovodno, under rope bridge, North side
Water Bolshaya Past Base, center building roof
Snow Chyornaya Peschera Cave, right cave branch before meeting The Pain
Sneaking Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab : East Wing, locker room (2nd time), inside Raikov's locker (one with red stripes)
Reduce damage, reduce stamina depletion
Maintenance Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab : East Wing, locker room (2nd time)
Scientist Rassvet, get from Eva
Officer Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab : East Wing, take from Raikov as part of mission
TuxedoClear game once
Banana Snake vs Monkey, get best time for all 5 challenges
Makes everything taste good
Ga-Ko Chyornyj Prud, swamp Northeast in the shallow waters
Hear Kerotan croak nearby
Fly Graniny Gorki Lab, 2F, in locked bathroom stall
Smells bad, enemies will avoid you, making hiding easier
StealthClear game with 0 Alert or
Find and shoot all 64 Kerotans or
Link with Metal Gear Acid (2nd playthrough and above)
Stealth Camouflage item, invisible (100% camo index) when equipped
Animals Defeat Ocelot non-lethally
Hands won't shake during first person view aiming
Hornet Stripe Defeat The Pain non-lethally
Hornet, spiders, and leeches won't attack you
Shoot down hornet's nest and the hornets will follow you and attack your enemies
Spider Defeat The Fear non-lethally
Always around 80% camo index at cost of stamina
Moss Hold up The End, threaten his head three times
Stamina recovery when under the sun
100% camo index when lying still in mossy areas
Fire Defeat The Fury non-lethally
Reduces fire damage by 1/2, and no burns
Spirit Reach the body of The Sorrow
No footstep sounds
Stamina recovery when choking enemies
Cold War Defeat Volgin non-lethally
Russian soldiers will not fire at you when facing your front
Snake Defeat The Boss non-lethally
High camo index in all areas when crawling
MummyWon't receive serious injury
GrenadeInfinite grenades
Yodobashi Camera 10% point rebate (
Santa ClausMerry Christmas!
New Year謹賀新年
St. ValentaineHappy St. Valentine's Day!
Former West Germany
Former East Germany
Urban Tiger
Soviet Woodland
Night Desert
DoDoDo ドドドドドド
DPM Pre-order Campaign First Bite Bonus Key Disc
Double HP recovery rate
A forest camo pattern designed in the UK that provides excellent cover in forest areas
Desert Tiger Maxi Single CD Special Camouflage Key Disc
Unlimited suppressor use
A tiger-stripe pattern designed for desert environments, especially effective against brown backgrounds
Auscam Desert Original Soundtrack Special Camouflage Key Disc
Reduce damage to 2/3
A desert camo pattern designed in Australia that provides excellent cover against white backgrounds
WonderGOO WonderGOO purchase gift
FlecktarnUnlimited battery power
A forest camo pattern designed in Germany that provides excellent cover in forest areas